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Ranunculus and Waxflower Cloud Bouquet


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An artful, conceptual bouquet made using groupings of textural purple waxflower and frilly yellow ranunculus. For those wanting to make a statement with a more unusual arrangement.

About the Ranunculus and Waxflower Cloud Bouquet

A contemporary hand-tied bouquet perfect to place straight into a vase.

Comes beautifully wrapped and aqua-packed in our signature drawing paper, tissue and recycled gift bag.

As we work with the rhythms of the seasons, we will do our best to include the same kinds of flowers shown in the images. We will select the best flowers on the day to create your order.

Please note this arrangement comes in one size only.

Delivery arrangements

  • We continue to deliver on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays during the lockdown. We exceptionally deliver on February 14 (Sunday) for Valentine’s Day.
  • Shipping is calculated at £1.50 per half mile from our studio at 62 Chatsworth Road, London E5 9RZ.
  • For the time being, we are currently not able to offer timed delivery slots. All flowers will be delivered between 10 AM and 7 PM on your selected date.
  • If you’d like to avail of same day delivery, please place your order before 1:30PM. Otherwise, we deliver your flowers on the next available delivery date.
  • For click & collect, we’ll make sure your flowers are ready between 10 AM and 4 PM at 62 Chatsworth Road, E5 9RZ on your selected date.


Ordering for Valentine’s?

  • All orders for Valentine’s Day must be placed by 4PM on February 13th.
  • Deliveries will take place on February 13 until 8PM and on February 14 as from 8AM.
  • If you think your recipient might not be home during the delivery period, please include a possible safe place to leave the flowers and a contact telephone number for the recipient.
  • For queries, special requests or any other changes, please send us an email with your order number included in the subject line. Please do not phone.
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